
Happy New Year! We are looking forward to all we will accomplish together in the fight for victims and survivors of sexual exploitation in 2020. But before we get to 2020, we want to celebrate all YOU accomplished last year through SAFE and our partners. Enjoy these: Phase Three Victories! 2,498 nights of rest were...

Although the headlines keep us present to the pain and exploitation continually happening in our world, we hope you'll take some time to celebrate during the holiday season how far we've come in this fight for freedom and hope for victims and survivors of sexual exploitation.   Sneak peek to 2020!! Thanks...

As you spend time celebrating our country's independence this week, we hope you'll rejoice knowing that victims and survivors of sex trafficking are also gaining independence across Washington state!Read on for some fantastic updates from our SAFE partners.Survivors are getting jobs and moving forward...

SAFE is on to Phase Three!!But it wouldn't be right to leave Phase Twobehind without sharing and celebratingall the VICTORIES our partners accomplished.2,615 students reached withprevention curriculum!17,000 sex purchasesdisrupted using technology!1,378 employers trained to spot and respond to trafficking!69 survivors helped toward employment! 1,000+ nights of...

Preventing the next victim As we engage in more parts of the fight against sexual exploitation, we know going upstream will pay huge dividends in reducing the number of victims and perpetrators in the future.  We are grateful to be partnering with Seattle Against Slavery (SAS)...