“Julia’s” story:
“When the ‘stay home’ order was put out, I know it was for everybody, but for me it felt so familiar, so terrifying. Like what it used to be like when I was told what I could and couldn’t do. When I was held captive and not free.
It triggered a lot of the trauma that I have been working so hard to heal from. And when I needed it the most I couldn’t go to Mirror Ministries Outreach Center for support group or counseling or the classes that had become so important to me.
But, they never give up on me at Mirror. They are always there. Recently, they they brought me headphones, and art stuff, and baking things and we started having our Support Groups online.
They also got me connected with a counselor online to help me find new coping skills and work through this new stuff.
My advocate calls or messages everyday, and I can call her whenever I need to talk or figure something out. Recently, we were able to get together. She bought me yummy take-out food, and we sat in the grass and just hung out.
I don’t think I would have made it if they hadn’t found a way to reach out to me when we had to stay at home. And I have been baking some really yummy things. I’m going to be ok, we are all going to be ok.” Julia – Kennewick, WA