Thank you for a great 2022! Join us for DWYL campaign 2023!

Thank you for a great 2022! Join us for DWYL campaign 2023!


Because of YOU victims of trafficking found freedom.

Because of YOU survivors of trafficking got into safe housing away from their pimps and exploiters.

Because of YOU victims’ & survivors’ basic human needs got met so they could get and stay safe.

Because of YOU minors who have been sex trafficked have their own restoration home in Eastern WA.

Because of YOU our children and vulnerable adults are protected because the sex trade remains illegal in WA.

YOU are making a difference, and SAFE is grateful to link arms with you in this fight for freedom for our sisters, daughters and sons.

Thank you for believing they’re worth it!


But, sadly, the work isn’t done.

There are still hundreds of victims out in the cold being forced to sell their bodies night after night across our state.

There are children who need a safe place to live, so they can no longer be sold for sex by their parents/caregivers.

There are pimps who are violently forcing women and children into slavery, and making hoards of tax-free money off their “work”.

There are buyers who are lurking on the internet and the streets for their next victim – wanting to “rent” a human being for their own pleasure, and then discard them.

There are forces lobbying to make the sex trade legal in our state, so this slavery can continue above the law.

Together we must continue the fight

to end this terrible scourge called the sex trade,

and bring freedom to victims and justice to the perpetrators.

– Are you IN? –


One way you can be IN for 2023

is to join us for the sixth annual…


Would you be willing to give your time and energy

to those who are being exploited, enslaved

and sold for sex right now?


You can – in a really fun way!


Join us for this year’s

Do What You Love to Fight What You Hate Campaign

in February!


It’s as easy as these three steps:

1. Decide what you want to do for the month of February – something you love (running, knitting, hitting tennis/golf balls, playing piano, baking, etc.) and set a goal.

2. Set up a campaign page at: – it’s super easy!

3. Share your campaign with friends, family, work colleagues, etc. and ask them to fight sex trafficking alongside you by donating to your campaign. You can give them a text code, a QR code, or the website link – whatever method you like best.


Then go for it

– do things you love –

and know your efforts will

bring freedom for another human being!

What could be more meaningful in life than that?!?!

Join the DWYL Campaign