2023 Victories! Check out your amazing ripple effects!

2023 Victories! Check out your amazing ripple effects!

You made 2023

a great year

for victims of trafficking

who needed safety, love, food,

housing, transportation, freedom,

services after incarceration, etc.

Your support of SAFE was like huge rocks dropped into the sea of fighting sex trafficking in our state…and their ripple effects were amazing!  See the victories below!

(Click the page to view this in a full-sized version)

Click here to drop us a note if you want to hear more of the stories reflected in the ripple effects above!  We’d love to hear from you!

Thank you for investing in fighting for safety and freedom

for our sisters, daughters, and sons.

We’ll release the Phase Eight strategy for 2024

in a matter of weeks – so stay tuned for how you can make an impact again this year!